Start Saving
We offer a range of different savings accounts, from an easy access account to a Christmas Saver. We've even recently introduced a Cash ISA that allows you to save paying tax on your savings interest. And rest assured your money is safe, as deposits of up to $75,000 are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Keeping your savings safe
By choosing Mozal Banking you can be sure your savings are safe:
- We prepare annual financial statements that can be read by members
- Our independently audited annual returns are submitted to the Prudential Regulation Authority
- Your savings are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, up to $75,000
Our savings accounts at a glance
Saving Type | Key Features | Rates | How to apply |
Member Share Account |
| Dividend payable on this account 1% AER paid in the previous 4 years | |
Mozal Banking ISA |
| 1.2% AER tax free | Download application form |
Christmas Saver |
| Dividend payable on this account 1% AER paid in the previous 4 years | Contact us In branch |
Child Trust Fund |
| 2.5% AER tax free | Contact us In branch |
Money Munchers |
| 1.5% AER | Contact us In branch |
Employer Partner |
| Dividend payable on this account 1% AER paid in the previous 4 years | Contact us In branch |
Corporate Deposit |
| Dividend payable on this account 1% AER paid in the previous 4 years | Contact us In branch |