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About Us Cookie policy


With regards to the new requirements on Cookies following the revision of the e-Privacy Directive, the Bank is working towards implementing the new requirements in line with guidance from the Information Commissioner's Office.
To make using our Site as straightforward as possible and to improve the service we offer you, we use cookies.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files that web servers can store on your computer's hard drive when you visit a website. There are two main types:

  • Transient (or per-session) cookies
    These only exist for your site visit and are deleted on exit. They recognise you as you move between pages, for example, recording items added to an online shopping basket. These cookies also help maintain security.

  • Persistent (or permanent) cookies
    These stay on your machine until expiry or deletion. Many are built with automatic deletion dates to help ensure your hard drive doesn't get overloaded. These cookies often store and re-enter your log-in information, so you don't need to remember membership details.

Additionally, cookies can be first or third party cookies. First party cookies are owned & created by the website you're viewing - in this case by the Credit Union. Third party cookies are owned & created by an independent company, usually a company providing a service to the website owners. In our case, third party cookies provided from this Site are still subject to the provisions set out below.

What we use cookies for:

Internet cookies help you do things online, like remembering logon details so you don't have to re-enter them when revisiting a site.

We use cookies to:

  • Gather customer journey information across our sites.
  • Ensure your privacy in our secure sites.
  • Temporarily store details input into our calculators, tools, illustrations and demonstrations.

We use both our own (first party) and partner companies' (third party) cookies to support these activities.

We don't use cookies to track people's Internet usage after leaving our sites.

Services requiring enabled cookies:

Some of our services require cookies in your browser to view and use them and to protect your financial and personal information.

Changing your cookie settings:

You are not obliged to accept cookies that we send to you and you can in fact modify your browser so that it will not accept cookies. To enable or disable cookies, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the Help, Tools or Edit facility). Alternatively, an external resource is available, providing specific information about cookies and how to manage them to suit your preferences.

Please note that should you choose to set your browser to disable cookies, you may not be able to access secure areas of this Site, for example any online accounts you may hold.

How to contact Mozal Banking

Main Branch

Bundesplatz 1, 3003 Bern, Switzerland

By phone

Call us on (808)445-6554

By email

contact@mozalb.com / info@mozalb.com
Find Us here:
Mozal Banking Tel: (808)445-6554 Fax: 445-6554 Email: contact@mozalb.com /info@mozalb.comWeb: https://www.mozalb.com
© Mozal Banking Bundesplatz 1, 3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: (808)445-6554